For what is faith but the carriage that bears us to our native land?
~Aelred of Rievaulx: In Charity Alone is True Peace and Contentment from ENLARGING THE HEART

The soul, in the sorrow that presses her down, raises her prayer to you.
To love... to suffer... to die... in union with Mary.
Come, joyous dear soul, heaven is thy abode. Turgis 1030
Rest after the voyage.  
You carry us to heaven on the wings of your generous love. E. Bouasse Jeune
It is good to serve Jesus Christ. 
And death is sweet to those who love Him.
Ch. Letaille, Paris
Faith, Hope, and Love
These are the keys to my paradise that I bring to the earth. 
Bouasse Lebel, Paris 1058
Blessed are those who weep on earth 
for they shall be comforted in heaven.
To you, my God, I entrust myself.
Alas, on earth all passes away, everything ends.